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| David Kariuki | Followers | Stars | Profile Views | wakatime | –| –| –| –| –|

Oh Hi there,

I am DK, a Software Engineer. I love open source.


   i. Mobile application development: - Android - Java, Kotlin, Apache Cordova.
  ii. Backend Development: - Spring3, SpringBoot, PHP, Laravel.
 iii. Web Development: - HTML CSS, Markdown, JavaScript, JQuery, ThymeLeaf.
  iv. Shell Scripting: - Bash.
   v. Databases: - MySQL, Postgres.
  vi. UX/UI Design: - Adobe XD, Figma.
 vii. Virtualization: - VMWARE.

| # | REPOSITORY | PLATFORM | DESCRIPTION | LANGUAGE | STARS – | – | – | – | – | – | | 1. | DuesClerk Mobile (NEW) | Android iOS | Application to manage dues for personal and business use. | Kotlin | | | 2. | DuesClerk-Backend-API-Service (NEW) | | DuesClerk backend API Service (Java SpringBoot) | Spring | | | 3. | DuesClerk-Android-Legacy | | Application to manage dues for personal and business use. | | | 4. | DuesClerk-Backend-Legacy | | Duesclerk backend (Legacy) | | | 5. | Android Internet Connectivity Class | | This class checks for internet connection availability, speed and network type on your android phone. | | | | | | | | 6. | vmware-host-modules-builder | (Debian, Arch) | The script downloads, builds and installs Vmware host modules for your Linux Vmware. | | | 7. | desktop-environment-tool-cli | (Debian) | A cli tool that helps Debian users install/uninstall various desktop environments from a list of options. It also runs some debug codes to fix broken app installs, remove incomplete and useless application dependencies, clean app stream cache, update and upgrade software repos in your linux system. | | | | | | | | |

| # | REPOSITORY | PLATFORM | DESCRIPTION | LANGUAGE | STARS | | -| -| -| -| -| -| | 1. |delete-old-git-branches | | This is an automated bash script to delete git branches older than some specific time period. The default set time is 4 months, but you can pass the period in months as a first parameter while running the shell script | | | |||||||

📙 Shortlisted Learning Projects |#|PROJECT NAME|PROJECT DESCRIPTION| STARS | |-|-|-|-| |1.|Ace The Java Coding Interview|Solve problems that are commonly asked in Java coding interviews related to common data structures like arrays, linked lists, strings, stacks, and queues, etc.| |2.|Leetcode Practice|Repository containing problems I have practiced on leetcode.| |3.|JUnit Testing|How to write Java unit tests with JUnit 5| |4.|Java Collections|Java Collections| |||||

|LANGUAGE|LEVEL|LINK| |-|-|-| | English | Professional | N/A | | Swahili | Professional | N/A | | Spanish | Intermediate | Duolingo | ||||

    Gmail BadgeLinkedIn - David kariukiTwitter - @davidkariuki_Instagram - @davi_kariukiFacebook - David Kariuki

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    The link shows an overview to all my achievements and contributions on the stack exchange network. This includes but not limited to StackOverflow, Unix & Linux, Information Security, ServerFault.

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